Friday, July 17, 2009

Visiting friends in Denmark

So much has been going on in the last days, which means I have a lot to blog about while being behind with it and I am almost to exhausted to write. But if I don't do it now, I can never catch up, so I better start. A few weeks back, while I was sitting at the computer, all of a sudden somebody started to chat, it was Peter and I know a few of them, so it took me a moment of detective work to figure out which one. It was Peter from Denmark, who I had not seen or spoken too since we left California when Johanna was a little baby. I had never met his wife and in the meantime he had three girls. So while we were chatting we worked out that we would come up for a short visit.

On Monday we took the express train to Denmark, it actually drives onto a ferry and then the ferry ships the train over to the other side. The kids thought is was most awesome, but they were surprised, that the ship had so many shops and restaurants, it was more like a mall on water. It is rather nice to have a train ride with an intermission of being outside in the wind and look at seagulls.

Peter picked us up at the train station and due to not being allowed to turn left where he wanted (that can be a HUGE thing in European cities, I know from experience) and so we ended up with a quick Copenhagen sightseeing tour. He lives with his family about half an hour north of Copenhagen, quite remote and with a lot of land and nature and peacefulness.

The children met and were very shy, it is not easy when you have no common language, they speak Danish and Russian. Peter's wife Tatiana is very nice, her mom was there too, she was so nice, I wish I could have had conversations with her. This is the oldest with the youngest, just 9 weeks old. All three girls are beautiful and lovely.

When you cannot converse, you just do some other fun things and there was enough fun to be had. They had a very big fantastic trampoline, my kids have been yearning for one forever, that was nice, even better that there was the cutest and nicest golden retriever and best of all, bunnies. Johanna has been bugging us about bunnies for years now and was in paradise. The bunnies kept escaping and the girls tried catching them - very funny and never successful, neither was I by the way. Our favourite was a little brown one, he was the softest thing imaginable, they offered it to us, but I consider it very impractical to travel with a bunny, even such a cute one. We had a lot of fun imagining it though, like a bunny loose on the airplane or on a leash hopping up to the castle in Prag.

It is light out so late, even longer than here logically and the kids were up till late, when it got buggy and they got tired, they just watched some TV - Sound of Music was a big hit.

The girls got along fast despite the language barrier and so it turned into a sleepover rather quickly.

It has been happening many times that we have not seen people for a long time, I am often amazed that somehow you just pick up where you left off. We just get a bit older and wider, but in essence, we do not change that much. At the same time, I feel guilty that it has been that long, that it is so difficult to stay in touch. Lately it appears to be easier, maybe because the children are getting older, maybe because I am getting older and the importance of connections is more apparent?

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